
Which companies provide toll-free phone numbers?

Increase your accessibility with a toll-free number
Olivia Maier

Olivia Maier

2 min read

What is a toll-free number?

Toll-free numbers are a great tool for businesses to take advantage of. They are specially designed with three digit area codes that come with an easy to recognize format. The toll-free area code of 800 is very popular (just think of all the 1-800 numbers you have seen for businesses!), but the following area codes also indicate a toll-free number:

  • 800
  • 877
  • 866
  • 855
  • 844
  • 833

Toll-free numbers are a great tool because of the increased accessibility that they provide for your callers. Toll-free numbers come at no cost to your callers, eliminating a potential barrier to phone communication.

Toll-free numbers are also easy to remember, and are automatically seen as a professional phone choice. They can also increase portability, as your phone number won’t be tied to one local area code. Instead callers from around the country will be able to see one uniform toll-free area code.

How to access a toll-free number

With Yodel you can easily access a toll-free number, and many other incredible business phone features that can help you take your phone communication to the next level. Our VoIP phone system can help your team improve communication and collaboration, leading to more efficient and productive processes.

Getting a toll-free phone number through Yodel is incredibly easy, with just 4 simple steps.

  1. Sign up with Yodel
  2. Contact the Yodel team through the live chat, and let us know you would like a toll free number
  3. Get the toll free number of your choice
  4. Start receiving calls!

In the end…

It really is that simple to access a toll-free number with Yodel. Find the perfect number for your business needs, and get started with Yodel today!

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